Thanks for Checking out my Blog!

My name is Krystina. I'm marriedto the most amazing man in the world! He treats me like a princess. I LOVE to cook and thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite recipes with all of you!
Hope you enjoy as much as we do! Have fun cooking!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Hello All!

I don't have a food recipe today, but what I DO have is a Recipe for Organized Cleaning! Thanks to my mom :)

Well its getting to be that time!...SPRING CLEANING! For most of us this can be a stressful and frustrating time of year.

 My mom has been generous enough to share the Directions for her ORGANIZED CLEANING BOX with us to make it less stressful! This box helps your organize ALL of your cleaning chores. Mom has been using this Box to clean for 20+ years and her house is always Spotless!!

As you can see she has it separted into days of the month and months of the year. 
Each day you pull out the Cards you have for that day and those are the chores you do.
For example here are the chores my mom had for One day.
Ready to get Started!? I'm definitely going to get the supplies and make one of these to get myself more organized!
--1 3x5 Card File Box (Recipe Box)
--200 3x5 Index Cards
--4 Blank Dividers
--12 Dividers Labeled January through December
--31 Dividers labeled 1 through 31
This will give  you an example of one room (Kitchen), then you will go through EACH room of your house and do the same thing for each one.
1-In a Notebook or on a paper make a list of everything that needs to be cleaned throughout the year in the Kitchen. Minus everyday tasks such as Washing Dishes.
         For Example:      Clean Appliances
                                     Clean Oven
                                      Clean insides of cupboards
                                     Clean outside of Cupboards with Murphys Oil Soap
                                     Clean the Microwave: Put 1/2 C. of Lemon Juice in a measuring cup and
                                          microwave for 2 mintues.
                                      Clean Ligh Fixtures
                                      Wash Kitchen Rugs
                                       Clean out fridge/freezer
                                        Clean and organize the pantry
                                       Swiffer Floors
      **Your list might look a little different.
2-Now transfer each job above onto an index Card. Write Job in the Middle of the card.
3- You will decide from the following list how often you need to do each job
                                         DAILY                                            D
                                         Every Other Day                             EOD
                                         WEEKLY                                        W
                                         TWICE A WEEK                            2/W
                                          EVERY OTHER WEEK                EOW
                                          MONTHLY                                     M
                                         EVERY OTHER MOTH                  EOM
                                         TWICE A YEAR                             2/Y
                                          YEARLY                                         Y
          **Use a Pencil so you can easily change things if needed.
4-In the lefthand corner of your Card right how often you will do that job, using the above code. For example if the job is "Clean Out Fridge/Freezer" you might want to do that once a week. So in the top Lefthand corner you would write "W".
5-Now you will go through EACH room of your house and do the same thing. Take your time. This will obviously take awhile!
6-Now for the 1 through 31 dividers....Flip through until you are at Todays Date. Put the whole set (1-31) dividers into the front of the File Box, Starting with todays date.
Each night you will rotate the date just ended to the back of the numbers. You always want the current date in front of the box.
7-After you have all the jobs from all your rooms transferred onto Cards you are ready to file them into the box! File everything to the front.
8-File Daily cards in front of Todays Date
9-File the Weekly Cards and Every Other Week Cards into their appropriate place.
10-Place the January-December Card Dividers into the box with This Months Card first.
11-Each day you will pull out all the cards in that day and do those Chores, then file the cards back into the box.
12-Take 12 Blank Cards and write the month at the top. Transfer all birthdays, anniversaries etc. onto each card. Put all April birthdays, anniversaries, etc. on the April card and so on! And File into appropriate place in box.
And your done! Your all ready to start cleaning! I can't wait to start mine! :)


  1. I LOVE this. I am going to put this to good use! Thank you!

    1. Awesome! Let me know how it goes!! I need to get myself set up for this as well!
